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Satellite - Dreambox

I started with satellite TV because where i live the quality of analog signal is very poor... i bought a Nokia Mediamaster 9600 on which i immediately upgraded the software to DVB 2000 from Uli Hermann...

Later i subscribed Sky because i love Sci-Fi (StarTrek on Canal Jimmy.. you know? ;)) and i switched to Dream-Multimedia’s Dreambox 7000S..
This receiver is mainly a PPC-based computer on which runs Linux with a sat-tuner... so i started to develop a plugin to add this decoder the capability to read and show the EPG (Electronic Program Guide) broadcasted by Sky and available, before my work only to the owners of Sky’s proprietary decoder (aka: GoldBox / SkyBox).
This plugin had (and it’s still having) a great popularity in the satellite’s fans community... check it out (if you are interested) at:

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