1    Introduction   3

2    Overview: 4

2.1    SMS-DELIVER (Mobile Terminated) 4

2.2    SMS-SUBMIT (Mobile Originated) 5

3    Parameter description   6

3.1    Service Center adress information element (SCA info element) 6

3.2    Protocol Data Unit Type (PDU Type) 6

3.3    Message Reference MR   8

3.4    Originator Address OA Destination Address DA   8

3.5    Protocol Identifier PID   9

3.6    Data Coding Scheme DCS   9

3.7    Service Center Time Stamp SCTS   10

3.8    Validity Period VP   11

3.9    User Data Length UDL and User Data UD   12

4    PDU Examples   12


1                  Introduction


To use the SMS you have to declare the number of the SMSC1 (Short Message Service Center) in the MS (Mobile Station), provided that the MS support SMS-MO (Short Message Service-Mobile Originated).


At the MOBILE you enter the SMSC-number with the AT+Celular command:


at+csca = “<SMSC-number>”


If the receiver of the SMS possesses a D2 card, the AT command has to be entered in the following way:


at+csca = “+491722270000”


With the command




you can question the actual adjusted SMSC-number


Ask your network operator for the right SMSC-number!!


notice: In addition to the AT+CSCA command it is possible to enter The SMSC­number in front of the Protocol Data Unit (PDU) see chapter 3.1







2              Overview:








     MS                                       SME



Mobile Station


Short Message Entity


Short Message Service Center


Man Machine Interface


Protocol Data Units


Short Message Application Layer


Short Message Transport Layer


Short Message Relay Layer


Short Message Link Layer




The MMI is based on the command set of AT+Cellular, and could be realized by means of a terminal (for example Triodata, Telix, WIN-Terminal) or the display of a handy.


The SM-TL provides a service to the Short Message Application Layer. This service enables the SM-AL to transfer short messages to its peer entity, receive short messages from its peer entity and receive reports about earlier requests for short messages to be transferred. The SM-TL communicates with its peer entity with six several PDUs (Protocol Data Units):


·                 SMS-DELIVER, conveying a short message from the SMSC to the MS

·                 SMS-DELIVER-REPORT, conveying a failure cause (if necessary)

·                 SMS-SUBMIT, conveying a short message from the MS to the SMSC

·                 SMS-SUBMIT-REPORT, conveying a failure cause (if necessary)

·                 SMS-STATUS-REPORT, conveying a status report from the SMSC to the MS

·                 SMS-COMMAND, conveying a command from the MS to the SMSC


The SMS-DELIVER and SMS-SUBMIT PDUs are described in the following sections.



2.1                SMS-DELIVER (Mobile Terminated)




2.2                SMS-SUBMIT (Mobile Originated)



notice:          Any unused bits will be set to zero by the sending entity and will be ignored by the receiving entity



Service Center Address information element

Telephone number of the Service Center

PDU Type

Protocol Data Unit




Message Reference

successive number (O. .255) of all SMS-SUBMIT Frames set by the MOBILE


Originator Address

Address of the originating SME


Destination Address

Address of the destination SME


Protocol Identifier

Parameter showing the SMSC how to process the SM (as FAX, Voice etc)


Data Coding Scheme

Parameter identifying the coding scheme within the User Data (UD)


Service Center Time Stamp

Parameter identifying time when the SMSC received the message


Validity Period

Parameter identifying the time from where the message is no longer valid in the SMSC


User Data Length

Parameter indicating the length of the UD-field


User Data

Data of the SM


Reply Path

Parameter indicating that Reply Path exists


User Data Header Indicator

Parameter indicating that the UD field contains a header


Status Report Indication

Parameter indicating if the SME has requested a status report


Status Report Request

Parameter indicating if the MS has requested a status report


Validity Period Format

Parameter indicating whether or not the VP field is present


More Messages to Send

Parameter indicating whether or not there are more messages to send


Reject Duplicate






Parameter describing the message type

00 means SMS-DELIVER

01 means SMS-SUBMIT





3              Parameter description


3.1              Service Center address information element (SCA info element)






The octet “len” contains the number of octets required for the number of the Service Center plus the 1 byte ,,type of number”


type of number:

81H: the following number is national

91H: the following number international

(for further information see GSM 04.08 chapter



One octet includes two BCD-digit Fields

If the called party BCD number contains an odd number of digits, the last digit shall be filled with an end mark coded as “FH”



if you have the SC-number +49 1 7 1 0760000 you have to type:




notice: If the “len” field is set to Zero the MOBILE takes the default value of the Service Center address set by the AT+CSCA command



3.2              Protocol Data Unit Type (PDU Type)




! notice: you have to write the PDU-type in Hex-Format, a possible example is “11H”!


RP:    0          Reply Path parameter is not set in this PDU

1        Reply Path parameter is set in this PDU



UDHI: 0          The UD field contains only the short message

1        The beginning of the UD field contains a header in addition of the short message


SRI:         (is only set by the SMSC)

                    0                        A status report will not be returned to the SME

                    1                        A status report will be returned to the SME


SRR: O         A status report is not requested

          1          A status report is requested


VPF:  bit4      bit3

0        0          VP field is not present

          0          1          Reserved

          1          0          VP field present an integer represented (relative)

          1          1          VP field present an semi-octet represented (absolute)

any reserved values may be rejected by the SMSC


MMS: (is only set by the SMSC)

          0          More messages are waiting for the MS in the SMSC

          1          No more messages are waiting for the MS in the SMSC


RD:    0          Instruct the SMSC to accept an SMS-SUBMIT for an short message still

                      held in the SMSC which has the same MR and DA as a previosly

                      submitted short message from the same OA.


1        Instruct the SMSC to reject an SMS-SUBMIT for an short message still

held in the SMSC which has the same MR and DA as a previously

          submitted short message from the same OA.


MTI:   bit 1     bit 0     Message type

          0          0          SMS-DELIVER (SMSC ==> MS)

          0          0          SMS-DELIVER REPORT (MS ==> SMSC, is generated automatically by the MOBILE, after receiving a SMS-DELIVER)

          0          1          SMS-SUBMIT (MS ==> SMSC)

          0          1          SMS-SUBMIT REPORT (SMSC ==> MS)

          1          0          SMS-STATUS REPORT (SMSC ==> MS)

          1          0          SMS-COMMAND (MS ==> SMSC)

          1          1          Reserved


(the fat-marked lines represent the features supported by the MOBILE)


notice: not every PDU Type is supported by the Service Center


3.3                Message Reference MR



The MR field gives an integer (O. .255) representation of a reference number of the SMS­SUBMIT submitted to the SMSC by the MS.


notice: at the MOBILE the MR is generated automatically, -anyway you have to generate it-

a possible entry is for example “00H”


3.4                Originator Address OA Destination Address DA


OA and DA have the same format explained in the following lines:



The octet “len” contains the number of BCD digits


type of number:

81H: the following number is national

91H: the following number international

(for further information see GSM 04.08 chapter



The BCD-digit Field contains the BCD-number of the Destination e.g. of the Originator

If the called party BCD number contains an odd number of digits, the last digit shall be filled

with an end mark coded as “FH”



if you have the national number 1234567 you have to type:





3.5                Protocol Identifier PID




The PID is the information element by which the Transport Layer either refers to the higher layer protocol being used, or indicates interworking with a certain type of telematic device. here are some examples of PID codings:


00H:The PDU has to be treat as a short message

41H: Replace Short Message Type 1

42H: Replace Short Message Type 2

43H: Replace Short Message Type 3


47H: Replace Short Message Type7


If  “Replace Short Message Type x” is present, then the MS will check the associated SC address and originating address and replace any existing stored message having the same Protocol Identifier code, SC address and originating address with the new short message and other parameter values. If there is no message to be replaced, the MS shall store the message in the normal way.


(for further information see GSM 03.40 chapter


 notice: it is not guaranteed that the SMSC supports every PID codings



3.6                Data Coding Scheme DCS




The DCS field indicates the data coding scheme of the UD (User Data) field, and may indicate a message class. the octet is used according to a coding group which is indicated in bits 7. .4. The octet is then coded as follows:



Default alphabet indicates that the UD (User Data) is coded from the 7-bit alphabet given in the appendix.

When this alphabet is used, eight characters of the message are packed in seven octets, and the message can consist of up to 1 60 characters (instead of 140 characters in 8-bit data coding)

In 8-bit data coding, you can relate to the INTEL ASCII-HEX table.

In Class O (immediate display) the short message is written directly in the display, as the Ml has no display the Class O message can be realised only in a roundabout way.

In Class 1 to Class 3 the short message is stored in the several equipments ME, SIM-card and TE.

In time the Class 2 is supported, if you choose Class 1 or Class 3 the short message is treated the same way as a Class 2 message.


note: It is recommended to use the Class2 message, or the coding group “0000 bin”



3.7                Service Center Time Stamp SCTS


The SCTS is the information element by which the SMSC informs the recipient MS about the time of arrival of the short message at the Transport Layer entity of the SMSC. The time value is included in every SMS-DELIVER being delivered to the SMSC, and represents the local time in the following way:




The Time Zone indicates the difference, expressed in quarters of an hour, between the local time and GMT (Greenwich Main Time).


3.8                Validity Period VP


The Validity-Period is the information element which gives an MS submitting an SMS­SUBMIT to the SMSC the possibility to include a specific time period value in the short message. The Validity Period parameter value indicates the time period for which the short message is valid, i.e. for how long the SMSC shall guarantee its existence in the SMSC memory before delivery to the recipient has been carried



The VP field is given in either integer or semi-octet representation. In the first case, the VP comprises 1 octet, giving the length of the validity period, counted from when the SMS­SUBMIT is received by the SMSC. In the second case, the VP comprises 7 octets, giving the absolute time of the vality period termination.

In the first case, the representation of time is as follows:



in the second case, the representation of time is identical to the representation or the SCTS (Service Center Time Stamp)


The case of representation is set in the VPF (Validity Period Format) in the PDU-type.



3.9                User Data Length UDL and User Data UD



The UDL field gives an integer representation of the number of characters within the User Data field to follow.



4               PDU Examples